Saturday 30 January 2016

We Are Accountable For All The Deliverables That We Promise

Yes, at TopSource, we are accountable for all the deliverables that we promise our clients. So what’s new? Aren’t companies accountable? Yes, the buyer-seller relationship means that the seller is accountable for the product or service being sold. But in real life you would have also experienced sellers shirking from taking responsibility or selling you sub-quality product or service. If you experience such a service, you never wish to go back to the seller. On the other hand, you would have developed a long term relationship with sellers who are accountable for their service. At TopSource being accountable is our core value and many of customers trust us because of this.

When we defined our core values, we have defined accountability as “We are accountable for our work, our actions and our omissions.  When we err, we take responsibility and raise any errors to the party impacted by the error.  When we excel, we celebrate the success of our colleagues and our company.”To err is human but to immediately take responsibility and correct the error is the TopSource way! At times, it means bearing the financial cost of the error and I am proud to say that we do not shirk from it. It is another matter that such circumstances are very rare but whenever they occur, we have held ourselves accountable.

We track each and every deliverable, check errors, fix them, analyze the root cause and solve it; all in a day’s work. We have served many of our clients without an error for years and we celebrate such performance regularly! If you are interested, do request for our culture story book where our employees have told many stories of how we practice accountability every day.

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