Saturday 30 January 2016

We Are Accountable For All The Deliverables That We Promise

Yes, at TopSource, we are accountable for all the deliverables that we promise our clients. So what’s new? Aren’t companies accountable? Yes, the buyer-seller relationship means that the seller is accountable for the product or service being sold. But in real life you would have also experienced sellers shirking from taking responsibility or selling you sub-quality product or service. If you experience such a service, you never wish to go back to the seller. On the other hand, you would have developed a long term relationship with sellers who are accountable for their service. At TopSource being accountable is our core value and many of customers trust us because of this.

When we defined our core values, we have defined accountability as “We are accountable for our work, our actions and our omissions.  When we err, we take responsibility and raise any errors to the party impacted by the error.  When we excel, we celebrate the success of our colleagues and our company.”To err is human but to immediately take responsibility and correct the error is the TopSource way! At times, it means bearing the financial cost of the error and I am proud to say that we do not shirk from it. It is another matter that such circumstances are very rare but whenever they occur, we have held ourselves accountable.

We track each and every deliverable, check errors, fix them, analyze the root cause and solve it; all in a day’s work. We have served many of our clients without an error for years and we celebrate such performance regularly! If you are interested, do request for our culture story book where our employees have told many stories of how we practice accountability every day.

The Human Side of Statutory Compliance

First a fact:  Mildly put, most employers look at statutory compliance as a necessary evil and a nuisance at best. Most wish things were simpler. It is not without reason. There are multiple statutory compliance that are required, forms are numerous in nature, process is complicated and there is a  lot of information overlap while filling up the forms.. Another dimension is added by the fact that many rules of professional tax, labor welfare are different for many states. It is quite a challenge to keep abreast of all details of minimum wages of different states across the entire country.

The government sites give information that are at times  outdated as these sites are not updated regularly. Some of the notices received are in the local language and hence require a local expert to interpret and change the wordings. These issues do pose a challenge for businesses to complete the statutory compliance.

Of course, any viewpoint that has cons has pros as well. On the positive side we are catching up with technology fast.  Income tax, Provident Fund, ESIC and Professional tax online filing is easy and fast.

Searching for information is easy. Query resolution is available from government officials. Beyond these ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ there is the human side of compliance. The intent of our social security schemes is to help  minimum wage earners lead a dignified life. PF and pension schemes help make old age financially secure. Social and health security schemes such as ESIC aim to make medical services available to the wage earner and their families.

As it is often said, if you don’t like the law the only option is to change it, not break it. All law abiding citizens must comply with statutory requirements. Not complying is not an option. The good news is that it is increasingly becoming less difficult and less time consuming.  If you have any statutory compliance concern, please let us know. We would be glad to assist.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Make Information Available and Trust Others to Use it Effectively!

In a span of one week, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the two examples of savvy information use by two creative minds. These examples just enforce my faith in making as much information as possible, available to all. Those who need it will seek it and find use for it. In the first incident, I found that the new customer wins that are circulated on the first working day of the month in our organization over email, are promptly used by our process audit manager to confirm that the new client is properly created in our internal system. We have a well-defined process to onboard new clients. The process has been developed so that the new clients get all the necessary information about us and we get all the required information about the client. Hence it is crucial that the client on boarding takes place correctly. Our audit manager has shown great presence of mind to use the information that is made available to all in the company.

The second incident is even more impressive. One my friends wished to setup a new company and the company formation has been handled by a reputed firm. My friend knew that the company would be formed this week however imagine his surprise when at 12:25 pm, he got a visitor from an international bank to check with him if he would like the bank’s help with account opening and other banking matters. My friend mentioned to this unexpected visitor that the company formation was underway and will be finished this week. To this, the visitor replied that the new company has been formed at 11:30 am and the Government site has published information along with the official address of this brand new company. My friend was very impressed to know that within an hour of forming the company, the banker had arrived to meet him! And the imaginative use of information paid off- the early bird did get the worm!

Let us applaud the efforts of both the creative minds that used the information available quickly for business benefits and keep making the relevant information available.

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Monday 4 January 2016

Feedback of Our Customers Make us Better!

When all of us go about doing our work, we are eager to know how the work is being received by the others. Are we effective at work? Are there areas where we need to improve? As a manager, how do colleagues reporting into us perceive us? These are some of the questions that get answered in a 360 degree feedback. This is sophisticated HR tool that is now available in Portico, our complete HRIS platform. 

A 360 degree feedback is where all colleagues reporting into a manager give their feedback for the manager. This is a democratic way of working where the organizational hierarchy disappears for the time being and the colleagues feel empowered to tell exactly what they think about the manager. The feedback is provided anonymously so there is no fear of ‘settling scores’. If you are a manager, this is your chance to know what your colleagues, who report into you, think of your working and management style. Feedback from others helps us improve and I for one, always believe that getting and acting on the feedback, makes us better. Portico is our complete HR solution suite and we are glad to rollout 360 degree feedback for customers.

The feedback process is simple. A questionnaire with multiple choice questions is administered to collect the feedback. The output reports have graphical representation of the scores received across
competencies. The strengths as well as areas of improvement can be easily seen by the colleague who receives the feedback.

Portico makes administering 360 feedback very easy because of the simple, intuitive user interface.
Collecting feedback to appraise an employee is becoming a norm across companies. I recently read that Cisco has stopped mapping employees on the bell curve and will instead start using the feedback
mechanism for performance appraisals.

If you too believe that feedback makes us better then please talk to us. We will help you administer a
360 degree feedback in your organization.

Visit us at :

Saturday 26 December 2015

6 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Payroll [Info-graphics]

Payroll outsourcing is a business practice that involves contracting with a business service to handle all functions related to a company payroll. Hiring an external firm makes it possible to manage the payroll process without the need to maintain a large payroll department including purchasing and maintaining appropriate software packages. Additionally, Companies who use payroll outsourcing services have less paperwork to do and need to just spend a couple of hours on finance every year. Payroll outsourcing service providers manage such diverse functions as the calculation of wages and salary, withholding of taxes, the distribution of withheld funds to the proper government agencies, and the direct deposit of net pay into the bank accounts of employees. These comprehensive reports may not be possible with your in-house payroll software or may take a long time for your IT staff to figure out or develop. Below is the 6 Benefits of Payroll outsourcing [Info-graphics]

Topsource offers hassle free, one stop shop service for outsourcing your payroll and Human Resource administration in India.